================================================================================ ASI plugin for Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance by bmn https://mgs.w00ty.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@gogobmn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homepage: https://mgs.w00ty.com/mgs2/asi/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- support and testing by dlimes, hau5test, jmc, platonic, probably others i forget -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this file... * Installation instructions * Configuring mod .ini files * About shortcuts ================================================================================ Installation instructions: First, ensure that Ultimate ASI Loader by ThirteenAG is installed in the bin folder. If using V's Fix, Ultimate ASI Loader is already installed and you don't need to do anything. Links: * Ultimate ASI Loader * V's Fix * Extract the zip to your MGS2 installation so that MGS2.asi is in the bin\scripts folder. * (Optional) Copy MGS2.ini from the MGS2.ConfigFiles folder to the scripts folder. * For any mod you want to use, either: - Copy MGS2.NameOfMod.ini to the scripts folder , or... copy the contents of that .ini to MGS2.ini if you want all your settings in a single file. - Also edit that .ini in a text editor if you want to configure the mod * Launch MGS2. ================================================================================ Configuring mod .ini files: To disable a mod (without having to delete/rename files), set Enabled=No in that mod's config Some mods can be toggled on the fly. To do this, set Enabled=Yes, then set Active=Yes (active on launch) or No (not active on launch) and set up a toggle shortcut (see below) in the [ModuleName.Toggle] section Many settings are placeholders that have been commented out with a hash # symbol at the start of the line. Whatever value (the part after the = sign) is shown, that's usually the default value To change the value, first uncomment the setting by deleting the # symbol. Valid values you can use for boolean (true/false) options (case insensitive): True, T, Yes, Y, On, 1 False, F, No, N, Off, 0 TextColor/TextOutlines are in the hex format RRGGBB For TextPosX, the far left is 0, far right is 640 For TextPosY, the top is 0, bottom is 480 For TextAlign, 0 is left align, 1 is right align, 2 is centred In TextFormat and TextContent, you may see codes such as {}, {Score} or {Angle:+011.4f} These are used to insert a provided value, formatted in a particular way. If more than one value is available, all the values will be listed in a comment near the setting itself. These formats follow the fmt syntax , which is similar to the C printf syntax ================================================================================ About Shortcuts: Many of the modules here have shortcuts which allow you to trigger things inside the module. You'll see categories such as [NameOfModule.Toggle], where "Toggle" is usually a description of what the shortcut does. Shortcuts have four available options (you can have any or all of them): Keyboard is a keyboard input (e.g. CtrlShift+D) Gamepad is a gamepad input (e.g. L1+Circle) ContextMenu is the name of an item that will appear in the game's context menu ContextMenuPosition is an optional number to set where the item appears in the context menu You can also have multiple Keyboard/Gamepad lines if you want multiple shortcuts. --- Keyboard is a string representing a keyboard shortcut It's made up of: 0 or more modifier (Ctrl/Alt/Shift) keys, represented by e.g. CS, CtrlShift, ControlShift, etc. a separator (either symbol + or #) a single key to trigger the shortcut If + is used as the separator, you can enter A-Z, 0-9, N0-N9 (numpad keys), or F1-F24 as your key If # is used instead, the key is a 2-digit hexadecimal key code (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes for a list) Examples: A (or +A) = the A key on its own #41 = also the A key on its own S+F1 = Shift+F1 Shift+F1 = insert thinking emoji here CA#2E = Ctrl+Alt+Del (not recommended!) CtrlAlt#2E = same The modifier keys MUST be a single word such as CtrlAlt, no symbols like Ctrl+Alt! Capitalisation (or lack of it) doesn't matter though --- Gamepad is a string representing a gamepad shortcut It's made up of: a series of button names (see "Valid input names" below), each separated by the symbol + - e.g. L3+Cross+Square or L3+X+Sq (optional) the symbol | followed by a single button name - e.g. |Start If only + signs are used, it doesn't matter which button is the last to be pressed - once all the buttons are pressed at once the shortcut will activate If a | is also used, the shortcut will only activate when that specific button is pressed while holding all the other buttons Example: L1+R1+L2+R2+Start - activates as soon as all 5 buttons are held L1+R1+L2+R2|Start - activates when Start is pressed (while all the shoulder buttons are held) Valid input names: Directions: Up/U, Right/R, Down/D, Left/L Face buttons: Triangle/Tri/T, Circle/O, Cross/X, Square/Sq, Select/Sel, Start, L3, R3 Shoulder buttons: L1, R1, L2, R2 --- ContextMenu is a name that will be turned into a clickable shortcut in the game's context menu. Open the context menu by right-clicking on the game, or pressing the Menu keyboard key (between AltGr and RightCtrl). ContextMenuPosition is an optional number to set where the item appears in the context menu The default is 0 Negative numbers (e.g. -1) appear higher - the more negative, the higher Positive numbers (e.g. 1) appear lower - the more positive, the lower