A DLL plugin containing a number of modifications for MGS2, including most of my existing patches. You can enable and configure individual mods.
Name | Description |
Actions | Launch applications such as MGS2 Trainer directly from the game |
Affinity/Priority Changer | Set which CPU cores the game is assigned to, and its CPU priority |
Ames | Set the type of hostages when searching for Ames, and practice finding him with a repeat-search mode. |
Caution% | Challenge mode with a neverending Caution. Or, start every area in Evasion, or pick a random alert state for every area. |
Cutscene Skip | Skip cutscenes and avoid forced codecs. |
Default Options | Set the contents of the Options menu when the game launches |
Delayed Load | Insert an artifical pause on every load (e.g. for practice) |
DirectInput Background | Allow DirectInput controllers to be used when the game is not in focus |
Drebin Mode | Unlock all weapons with 9999 ammo. Port of the V's Fix patch by WhiteSnoop. |
Equip Shortcuts | Use keyboard/gamepad buttons to change weapons a la MGS1 PC |
Game Over | Add "Game Over If Caution". |
New Game Info | Display information about game settings on the New Game screen |
No Quit Prompt | Stop the confirmation prompt from appearing when you attempt to close the game |
PS2 Controls | Modify the game controls to more closely match the PS2 versions (e.g. swap X and O) |
Save Location Changer | Change the directory that save files are stored, with multiple directories and hotswapping |
Save Menu Helpers | Allow 100 save games, customisable save titles, and skip straight to the first/last save by pressing L2/R2 |
Soft Reset | Quit to the title screen when pressing L1+L2+R1+R2+Start |
Stats Display | Show the current game stats when paused, or display selected live-updating stats while playing |
Style | Add lost PS2-era features such as the musical ringtone and codename easter egg |
Text Change | Change the text on many life gauges. Typically used to show the player's name. |
Timer Display | Display the current game/real time, for the whole game and for individual areas. |
Turbo | Add turbo capabilities to your input, as an alternative to XInputPlus turbo |
Turbo Display | Show whether your turbo solution (ASI or XInputPlus) is enabled, and play custom SFX |
Unlock Radar | Show the radar in most situations. Port of the V's Fix patch by WhiteSnoop. |
VR Randomiser | Missions in the menu are shuffled |
This program is sometimes flagged as malware by a small number of antimalware programs using machine learning (ML) definitions. VirusTotal report for latest version (b6).
d3d8.dllto the game's
MGS2.asiis in the
MGS2.inifrom the
MGS2.ConfigFilesfolder to the
MGS2.NameOfMod.inito the
MGS2.iniif you want all your settings in a single file.
#symbols, so delete that symbol to edit the line. If a commented-out line has a value already, that value is (usually) the default.